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The 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster: A Journey Through History, Identity, and Survival

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by Julie Yoon 2024. 8. 22. 07:46










The 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster:

A Journey Through History, Identity, and Survival







In a nursing home, a young narrator embarks on a unique project—writing obituaries for elderly residents.


It’s a chance to document the rich, often untold life stories of those who have lived through the tumultuous waves of history.


Among the residents is Mrs. Muk, an audacious woman who boldly claims to have held three different nationalities over her lifetime.


Her story is unlike any other, encapsulated in seven cryptic words: “slave, escape artist, murderer, terrorist, spy, lover, and mother.”









This striking character forms the heart of Lee Mirinae's novel, The 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster, a sweeping tale of resilience against the backdrop of Korea’s most defining historical events.


From the Japanese occupation and Korean War to the division of the peninsula, Mrs. Muk’s life is a reflection of survival through oppression, war, and the complex reality of national identity.


As the novel weaves through her past, Mrs. Muk’s story emerges not just as a personal journey, but as a symbolic tale for an entire generation caught in the crosswinds of modern Korean history.



What makes this novel particularly remarkable is that it was written in English by a Korean author and first published in the United States, positioning it as a new force in global K-literature.


Lee Mirinae’s debut novel gained international attention before it was even fully released.


Securing a multi-million-dollar advance contract with the prominent U.S. publishing house HarperCollins, the novel is set to be translated and published in over ten countries, including the UK, Italy, Spain, and Australia.


Additionally, it has already made the longlist for the prestigious Women’s Prize for Fiction in the UK, solidifying its place as a significant literary work on the world stage.









At the core of The 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster is a deeply personal inspiration.


Lee Mirinae was moved to write this novel by her great-aunt, who lived through the Japanese occupation, spent decades in North Korea, and finally crossed into South Korea in her 60s via China.


Despite receiving little formal education, Lee’s great-aunt was a brilliant storyteller, fluent in Korean, English, and Japanese, and deeply knowledgeable about the historical events that shaped her life.


The fictional Mrs. Muk’s linguistic prowess and cunning intelligence are directly modeled after this remarkable woman, although the events she experiences in the novel are the result of Lee’s extensive research and creative imagination.



"I always knew if I ever wrote a book, it would be about my great-aunt’s life," Lee explained.


The vivid stories she had grown up hearing left an indelible mark on her, particularly her great-aunt’s ability to adapt, survive, and thrive despite the unimaginable hardships she faced.


Through her great-aunt's lens, Lee gained insight into the lives of Korean women who lived through decades of political upheaval, war, and cultural transformation.


The novel's power lies not only in its historical breadth but also in its exploration of identity, survival, and the human capacity for reinvention.


Mrs. Muk’s many "lives" reflect the different roles she was forced to play in a world where national borders and political regimes continually shifted around her.


Each of the seven words she uses to describe herself—slave, escape artist, murderer, terrorist, spy, lover, and mother—represents a different chapter in her life, each filled with drama, danger, and emotion.










Lee’s decision to write the novel in English was a deliberate choice, aimed at bringing the complexities of Korean history to a broader, global audience.


By doing so, she has positioned herself as a key figure in the emerging wave of K-literature that is capturing the world’s attention, much like K-pop and Korean cinema have done in recent years.


The novel's success marks a new chapter not only for Korean literature but for global storytelling, as it offers readers a deeply intimate look at Korea’s turbulent past through the eyes of one extraordinary woman.


With its universal themes of survival, identity, and resilience, The 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster promises to leave a lasting impact on readers worldwide.


As Mrs. Muk’s story travels beyond Korea’s borders, it continues to resonate with anyone who has ever felt the weight of history on their shoulders and the need to forge their own path through adversity.


Lee Mirinae’s debut work is not just a novel; it is a testament to the power of storytelling, history, and the indomitable spirit of one woman who lived through it all.












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