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Preventing and Managing Enteritis During Heatwaves : Foods That Soothe the Stomach

Latest News

by Julie Yoon 2024. 7. 13. 12:35










Preventing and Managing Enteritis During Heatwaves



Foods That Soothe the Stomach

















The summer heat is a peak time for enteritis, which refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


Infectious causes of enteritis include viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Among these, viruses account for 50-70%, and bacteria for 15-20%.









Most cases of summer enteritis are caused by bacteria, such as food poisoning bacteria.


Preparing food in unsanitary conditions or the hot weather making food spoil easily are major factors.


In such conditions, major food poisoning bacteria like Staphylococcus, Salmonella, and E. coli can develop.


When these bacteria-contaminated foods enter the gastrointestinal tract, they cause infections and inflammation.








Symptoms of enteritis include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain.


Usually, it involves having diarrhea more than three times a day or passing loose stools more than twice a day compared to normal.


In severe cases, even drinking water can cause vomiting, and some people may experience only one of the symptoms, either diarrhea or vomiting.


Even without typical symptoms, nausea and bloating could indicate enteritis.


Mild symptoms might seem to improve, but it's hard to say the condition has completely healed.


Neglecting enteritis can lead to a worsening condition, so management is crucial.


While time is the best healer, being mindful of the foods consumed during enteritis can help speed up recovery.










When experiencing symptoms of enteritis, it is advisable to consume clear broths that can soothe the stomach.


Avoid foods that are too greasy, cold, sugary juices, raw milk, carbonated drinks, and raw fruits for up to a week after symptoms subside.


Based on information from American health and medical media 'Healthline,' here are some foods that can help soothe the stomach during enteritis.


















Contains vitamins A, K, and U, which protect gut health.


Vitamin U in cabbage particularly enhances stomach function, soothing the weakened stomach due to enteritis.


It is also rich in dietary fiber, which aids in nutrient absorption and promotes smooth digestion.






Barley tea










Warm barley tea is effective in preventing dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea.


It helps stop diarrhea by promoting bowel movements and has a cooling effect, making it a better alternative to plain water or regular water when mild fever is present.


















A representative food rich in protein, it contains plant-based fats instead of saturated fats.


It helps alleviate vomiting or diarrhea caused by enteritis and is easily digestible in the weakened intestines, making it a good meal replacement.












Rich in dietary fiber, it aids in bowel movements and maintains a feeling of fullness, making it an ideal food when eating becomes difficult due to enteritis.


High in plant-based pectin, it acts as a natural antidiarrheal, reducing severe diarrhea symptoms.














Functions as an anti-inflammatory and protects the stomach, alleviating cramps.


It promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that help manage the intestines comfortably during enteritis.






Soybean sprouts










Traditionally known to suppress inflammation and eliminate heat.


Soybean sprout soup, boiled clearly with less seasoning, is beneficial for preventing dehydration and soothing the stomach affected by enteritis.


It is especially good when the body feels heavy, achy, or muscles are sore.











#EnteritisPrevention #SummerHealth #GutHealth #HealthyEating #DigestiveHealth #Hydration #FoodSafety #StomachSoothingFoods #HeatwaveCare #WellnessTips #SummerWellness #BeatTheHeat #HealthyGut #EnteritisCare #NutritionTips #StayHydrated #FoodPoisoningPrevention #SummerIllness #HealingFoods #DigestiveComfort #HealthyLiving #SummerDiet #ImmuneBoostingFoods











All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke



Source : https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/296/0000079816


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