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The three major summer festivals in Korea: Water Bomb, Heumbbeok Show, S2O Korea

Latest News

by Julie Yoon 2024. 8. 1. 14:43









The three major summer festivals in Korea: 

Water Bomb, Heumbbeok Show, S2O Korea








The temperature is approaching 30 degrees Celsius every day.


Combined with the monsoon season, it feels very muggy.


It's too hot to just stay home with the air conditioner on. So, you muster up the courage to step outside.


However, the high temperature and humidity envelop your entire body.


Wouldn't it be nice if someone could cool you down with a splash of water?




Starting with the 'Psy Soak Show' in Wonju, Gangwon Province on the 29th of last month, the three major summer festivals have kicked off.


These include 'Water Bomb' which began in Ilsan on the 5th, and 'Songkran (S2O KOREA)' held at Seoul Land in Gwacheon last weekend.


Every year, new stars emerge, and these festivals serve as a 'festival vacation' for those who can't travel far in the summer.










Water Bomb was first held in 2015 at the Jamsil Sports Complex in Seoul.


The main performers at that time were HaHa, DJ DOC, and Park Myung-soo.


There are many summer festivals, and most of them use water, even if the word 'water' is not in their name.


What sets Water Bomb apart is its 'audience participation' aspect.


Every year, teams are divided by color, and attendees dress according to their team's color and engage in water gun fights with the opposing team.


Shooting water guns quickly turns strangers into friends.












Before 'Water Bomb' gained fame internationally, the 'Soak Show' was already well-known.


Visiting foreign celebrities often express a wish to attend a 'Soak Show' at least once.


This show is led by the man who made the world groove to 'Gangnam Style' (Billboard No. 2) and 'Gentleman' (Billboard No. 5).


He is one of the few artists capable of inciting massive sing-alongs and group dances in any city worldwide.













The 'Soak Show' attracts a wide age range, with attendees from their teens to their seventies, evenly distributed across genders and ages.


This is largely due to the artist's extensive repertoire of hit songs that anyone can sing along to.












'S2O KOREA (Songkran + H2O)', inspired by Thailand's national festival 'Songkran', has a more exotic flair.


As an EDM (electronic dance music) based festival, it creates scenes reminiscent of famous European festivals.


The DJ lineup is also impressive.


This year, it featured top female DJ duo Nervo and Nicky Romero, known for his iconic Guy Fawkes mask from the Occupy Wall Street movement, among others.









#WaterBomb #SoakShow #S2OKorea #EDMFestival #Kpop #HipHop #SummerFestivals #PSY #워터밤 #흠뻑쇼 #송크란 #여름축제














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Source : https://www.chosun.com/economy/money/2024/07/15/HUN76N4NYNDYXME6QN4QQ6VUBI/?utm_source=naver&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=naver-news









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