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Aiming to Attract 700,000 Foreign Patients by 2027

Latest News

by Julie Yoon 2023. 7. 23. 11:35





South Korea's Visionary Plan : Aiming to Attract 700,000 Foreign Patients by 2027





The Ministry of Health and Welfare, along with related ministries, has introduced the 'Strategy for Revitalizing Attraction of Foreign Patients.'


This comprehensive plan aims to enhance South Korea's status as a top medical destination.


By leveraging the substantial increase in foreign patients, reaching 248,000 last year – a remarkable 70 percent surge from 2021 (146,000) and a significant recovery compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019 (497,000) – the government has set an ambitious goal of achieving an annual growth rate of 26 percent, with the ultimate objective of attracting 700,000 foreign patients by 2027.



The strategy encompasses four key approaches across different sectors, including 1) improving immigration procedures, 2) diversifying medical specialties in specific regions, 3) bolstering host industries' competitiveness, and 4) raising global awareness of South Korea's exceptional medical capabilities.




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Improving Immigration Procedures



A crucial element of the plan is to expand the number of host organizations eligible for e-visa applications issued by the Ministry of Justice, with the goal of increasing the current count from 27 to over 50 within this year.


This expansion will streamline visa issuance online, eliminating the need for foreign patients to visit overseas diplomatic missions.



Furthermore, the plan highlights the extension of caregiver and guardian privileges to include siblings of foreign patients, removing the requirement for them to provide proof of financial capacity.



However, the health ministry acknowledges concerns about potential non-medical entry and illegal immigration resulting from the relaxed visa issuance.


Therefore, relevant ministries will engage in discussions to implement appropriate preventative measures.





Diversifying Medical Specialties in Specific Regions



To seamlessly integrate medical care and tourism, the government aims to create wellness medical tourism convergence clusters in strategic locations like Incheon, Daegu-North Gyeongsang Province, Busan, Gangwon Province, North Jeolla, and North Chungcheong provinces.


These clusters will offer foreign patients and their caregivers the opportunity to combine medical treatment with sightseeing, such as visits to hot springs.





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Bolstering Host Industries' Competitiveness



This strategy seeks to address the issue of a high concentration of 70 to 80 percent of foreign patients in the Seoul metropolitan area, aiming to reduce regional disparities.


Additionally, the government plans to develop customized medical and tourism models for VIP patients and long-term residents.



The promotion of "K-culture," which includes Korean music and dramas, will play a vital role in marketing efforts.


The scope of medical services for foreign patients will expand beyond plastic surgery and dermatology, encompassing treatment for severe and complex diseases like cancer and transplantation, leveraging advanced medical technology and Korean medicine expertise.




ARaising Global Awareness of South Korea's Exceptional Medical Capabilities



The government also aims to utilize information and communications technology to offer remote pre-consultation and follow-up management services for foreign patients.



Efforts will be made to institutionalize non-face-to-face treatment by revising relevant laws, and a comprehensive study on the licensing system for treating foreign patients abroad will be conducted.



To raise awareness of Korean medical care, the government plans to foster collaboration between the public and private sectors, actively participate in international events, and leverage online platforms for promotion.






All right reserved Stay14 Bespoke

Sources : https://www.korea.kr/news/policyNewsView.do?newsId=148915668 


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