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World Penguin Day 🐧

Latest News

by Julie Yoon 2023. 4. 25. 13:18










Emperor penguin. Photo: David Herraez Calzada





World Penguin Day is an international event celebrated annually on April 25th.





Image: Animal Spot





It was established to protect and conserve the ecosystems of all penguin species, including

Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrap, Gentoo, Macaroni, African, Galapagos, Humboldt, Magellanic, Royal, Snares, Erect-crested, Fiordland, Northern Rockhopper, Southern Rockhopper, Yellow-eyed, Little, and King Penguins, which inhabit the Antarctic and surrounding regions.




Magellanic penguins. Photo: Irina Brester




This day was chosen to coincide with the time when Antarctic penguins migrate northward to escape habitat destruction and global warming, and is commemorated to raise awareness and promote activities to protect and preserve penguin habitats and populations.




African penguin. Photo: Louie Lea




World Penguin Day was proposed by the World Penguin Association (WAP) to increase global awareness of the issues facing penguins, such as habitat destruction, climate change, overfishing, and pollution, and to promote activities to address these problems.




Gentoo penguins. Photo: Arne Beruldsen




Of the 17 penguin species currently inhabiting the world, 11 are listed as endangered or vulnerable by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).




Two Gentoo chicks rest up. Photo: K. Nelson




The primary cause of penguin endangerment is the decline in krill populations, which are their primary food source.


This is due to global warming, which causes melting sea ice and reduces the amount of krill that can grow under the ice, as well as overfishing of krill for industrial purposes such as omega-3 supplements and fishing bait.




Macaroni penguins. Photo: Anton Ivanov




World Penguin Day is marked by various events and activities, including campaigns to share information about penguin ecology and conservation, and government and non-governmental organizations worldwide expanding their efforts to protect penguins.




Little (or ‘fairy’) penguins reside in Australia and New Zealand. Photo: EQ Roy




Research and educational activities are also intensified on this day to address ecological problems facing penguins and to seek solutions.


World Penguin Day plays an important role in preserving the beautiful natural habitats and ecosystems of penguins, and increasing awareness of global environmental issues.











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