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All about Hospital for foreigners in Korea

Tips for Living in Korea

by Julie Yoon 2023. 3. 17. 16:25



How to go to Hospital in Korea?



During your stay in Korea, we wish for your good health and safety, but it is important to acknowledge that unforeseen incidents such as getting a cold or breaking your arm can happen.

In case of serious emergency, please dial 119, the number for accident or medical emergencies like 911 in America. Knowing who to contact in emergency is crucial, so please keep this information in mind.


In this blog, we will be driving into the key features of the Korean healthcare system.

So, whether you are a foreigner planning to visit Korea or a foreigner living in Korea seeking more information about the healthcare system, this is for you!



Korea is well known for its extremely high quality of health insurance and healthcare system.

However, does it apply to foreigner? The answer is: YES it does.


All foreign nationals staying in Korea longer than 6 months MUST be enrolled in the National Health Insurance, according to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

This Insurance has the same coverage as it does for the Korean citizens.

It benefits medical services for the case of injuries, childbirth, health promotions, rehabilitations, or presentations of diseases.




- Eligibility and Subscription Procedure - Int. Students (D-2)


From 2021, international students who have a D-2 Visa and received ARC numbers by the Immigration Office are automatically subject to mandatory subscription of the National Health Insurance service, provided by the government.

If international students do not pay their fee for the National Health Insurance service, they will face disadvantages, specifically restrictions on immigration applications such as VISA extension.

You have to visit any nearby Foreign Civil center to apply NHI.  




- Eligibility and Subscription Procedure - Other


All foreign nationals staying in Korea longer than 6 months MUST be enrolled in the National Health Insurance, according to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

You will receive a fax for the notice. 




- Insurance Fee (from 2023.03) : 50% of average insurance premium

                                                       143,840 * 50% = 71,920 won


Since it is hard to calculate foreigner’s property, it is calculated with the average insurance premium.

The NHI service bill for international students is generally mailed to the address stated on alien registration.

However, Int. students may opt for electronic billing and automatic payments.

The method will be written in your service bill mail.

It may differ depending on you condition (For example, enrolling in the health insurance as a family unit or having different VISA).








Then, where should we go if we get injured?

For international clinics, there are several hospitals which provides several language services in Seoul. 





1. ASAN Medical Center, Seoul  




ASAN Medical Center is the biggest hospital in Korea.

It opened in 1989, under the name Seoul Jungang Hospital and renamed Asan Medical Center in 2002.

The center specializes in several complex fields such as cancer, heart disease, and organ transplantation.



Address: 88 Olympic-ro 43-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours: 8:30am - 5:30pm weekdays, closed weekends

Website: eng.amc.seoul.kr

Language: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian




2. Samsung Medical Center, Seoul  



You may notice that its name is Samsung, Korean's biggest IT company.

Samsung is a tech giant.

However, in Korea, Samsung produces just about everything from electronics to cars and,, hospitals too.



Address: 81 Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm weekdays, - 12:00pm saturday, closed sunday

Website: samsunghospital.com

Language: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian




3. Serverance Hospital, Seoul 




Severance Hospital can be found on the Yonsei University Campus, which located near Hongdae and Sinchon.

It was renamed after American missionary, Louis Severance's donation. 



Address: 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours: Open 24 hours

Website: sev.severance.healthcare

Language: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian




You can check more hospital lists in section 5 in Seoul Guidebook: https://global.seoul.go.kr/web/life/lifeListPage.do





- How to Make Appointments


It is highly recommended to make medical appointments in advance to receive prompt and convenient treatment.

Hospitals can be contacted either by visiting them in person or by phone.

Additionally, appointments can also be scheduled through fax or the hospital website.

It's important to have your insurance card ready when making an appointment at the hospital in person.




- Paying for Medical Treatment


You can settle medical fees at the administration office of the hospital, and most hospitals accept credit card payments.

For hospitals with international clinics, medical expenses can be paid at the clinic, or they can assist with the preparation of necessary documents for payment.

The cost of medical treatment can differ depending on whether the patient has insurance coverage.

Some hospitals accept overseas health insurance if the insurance company has a partnership with the hospital.

If you have foreign health insurance coverage, you will need to pay upfront before submitting a claim to your insurance company.




* University Health Service


Students who require medication for an illness or a headache don't need to visit clinic or drugstore.

Instead, you can use university health services on campus.

They are available for flu, pain relievers, stomach medicine, firstaid medicine and etc.

All the medication is for free of charge to university students.

If you are an exchange student or student who don't have time to find clinics, you must try university clinic instead!

This one does not require to make an appointments!




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