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Why do Korean people love Garlic?

The Korean Tradition

by Julie Yoon 2023. 10. 22. 09:46






Why do Korean people love Garlic?











When you're whipping up your favorite meal, garlic might not always be the first thing on your mind.


But when it comes to Korean cuisine, garlic is the unsung hero. 


Korean people absolutely love garlic.


And here’s why. Let me enlist the korean cuisine that includes garlic such as Sam Gyup Sal, kimchi, Bulgogi, TteokBokki, Dak galbi, Gamjatang and every korean stew or marinated food contains garlic.


At least 90% of the korean food includes garlic.


Why, you ask?


Well, let's uncover the delicious reasons behind this garlicky love affair in Korean cooking.










Flavorful Tradition:


Garlic has deep historical roots in Korean cuisine, and its strong and aromatic presence has been a staple in Korean kitchens for generations.


You already know korean people absolutely love spicy food.


If you take a look at their traditional food, garlic is the always way to go ingredient in their cuisine. 


Garlic is an essential flavor enhancer that adds a distinct character to their dishes, making it a symbol of culinary tradition and a link to the past.











Adaptability and Innovation:


Korean culture is known for its adaptability and innovative spirit.


Garlic, presented in various forms in Korean cooking, showcases a readiness to experiment and create new and exciting flavors.


This adaptability is a testament to the culture's ability to evolve while remaining true to its roots.












Nutrient-Rich Wellness:


Beyond its delicious taste, Koreans also value garlic for its potential health benefits.


It's believed to support digestion and boost the immune system, making it a natural choice for those who prioritize wellness through the food they eat. 


Garlic's role in enhancing health resonates with the South Korean emphasis on holistic well-being.


As Korean people are particularly health conscious because of its history with less accessibility to medical systems in the past.


In facts garlic can makes your blood pressure lower and clean your circulatory system.


So Garlics are like nature doctors. Which leads garlic would be the best choices for their cuisine as always!







Cultural Togetherness:


Korean culture places a high value on togetherness and community.


The act of sharing meals is not just about sustenance; it's a vital part of bonding and building relationships.


Garlic's presence in nearly every dish is a symbol of the open and warm hospitality that defines Korean culture.


Especially when cooking together, it is way more efficient to use one ingredient at all the times.


The adaptability of garlic in korean food are very versatile, which gives opportunity to an invitation to gather around the table, share stories, and create connections through food.











In South Korea, the love for garlic is a beautiful interplay of tradition, wellness, and an enduring commitment to rich, flavorful cuisine.


It's a story that continues to be written in the kitchens of Korean households, where garlic isn't just an ingredient – it's a cherished member of the family.








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