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Learn about April 19th Revolution

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by Julie Yoon 2023. 4. 19. 14:52




Learn about April 19th Revolution 


Today is the anniversary of the April 19th Revolution, one of the most important democratization movements in the history of Korea.

This movement played a significant role in strengthening democracy in South Korea and protecting the rights of its citizens, ultimately leading to the transfer of power and the establishment of a democratic system.

Let's learn more about the April 19th Revolution that took place from April 19th to June 29th, 1960, and find out where we can learn more about it!




The Background of the 4.19 Revolution

President Syngman Lee of South Korea had maintained a dictatorial rule, suppressing the freedom and human rights of the people in the 1950s.

As dissatisfaction grew, a presidential election was held on March 15, 1960.

However, the election was known to be fraudulent, and Syngman Rhee was illegally elected.

This led to a protest movement, and the students who participated in it resisted the police's use of force, leading to a struggle of young students.






Development Process

On April 11th, large-scale protests were held by university students in response to President Lee Seung-man's failure to take responsibility for a tragic accident that occurred while he was heavily intoxicated in Busan.

The president responded with violent repression and imprisonment, which only further fueled the students' anger.


On April 19th, a massive demonstration erupted in Myeong-dong, Seoul, and quickly spread throughout the country.

Police attempted to quell the protests with violence, resulting in clashes with citizens. Many civilians were reported to have been injured or killed during these clashes.


In this situation, President Lee Seung-man declared his resignation on April 27th, which led to the June 29th Democratic Movement in Gwangju.


네이버 지식백과



Key events

One of the most important events of the April 19 Revolution was the resignation of President Lee Syngman on April 27th.

This led to the establishment of a democratic system and played a significant role in protecting the human rights and freedoms of the people of Korea.

Furthermore, the movement that began with demands for Rhee's resignation is remembered as one of the largest democratization movements in Korean history.


Another important event is the execution of Kim Jae-gyu, President Rhee's bodyguard, who was arrested and executed by citizens.

This event is remembered as a crucial example of the dictatorial power that Rhee held and the corruption of his regime.






Historical significance

The April 19th Revolution is one of the most important democratization movements in the history of South Korea, playing a crucial role in the establishment of democracy and protection of human rights.

It contributed to the political, social, and economic development of South Korea.


Furthermore, this movement served as a driving force for democratization movements around the world, not only in South Korea.

This historical significance emphasizes the ongoing importance of democratization and the protection of human rights, and sends a message that continuous effort is needed to uphold these values.







There are several places in Korea that commemorate the 4.19 Revolution, and the following are the most representative:


1. April 19th National Cemetry (국립 4.19 민주 묘지)


Address: 서울 강북구 수유동 580-1

Hours: Daily 6am to 6pm 

Admission: free





At the National April 19th Cemetery, visitors can see the graves of the democratic martyrs and the memorials related to the democratization movement.

As an important site where significant historical events took place, the cemetery also provides educational value on South Korea's democracy and human rights protection.






2. 4.19 Revolution Memorial Library (4.19 혁명 기념 도서관)


Address: 서울 종로구 새문안로 17 4.19기념도서관

Hours: 9:30 - 16:30pm M-F, 9:30-12:30 Saturday, closed on Sunday

Admission: free




At the library, visitors can access a vast collection of materials related to the history of the democracy movement in South Korea, including books, periodicals, and other documents.

The library also offers educational programs and exhibits related to the 4.19 Revolution, providing visitors with an opportunity to learn more about the struggle for democracy and human rights in Korea.






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