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How To Stay Warm And Nutritious In South Korea By Just Eating!

Tips for Living in Korea

by Julie Yoon 2024. 1. 31. 13:14










How To Stay Warm And Nutritious In South Korea By Just Eating!
















As the winter is getting colder and colder, the winter in South Korea might make your hands and nose red enough to make you sick.


To strengthen your immune system, you might need to exercise a little bit and make your body more active in this cold winter… or eat healthy food. In today’s stay 14!


We would like to introduce you to some foods designed to shield you from the cold!






Ginger Tea (생강차 - Saenggangcha)












Saenggangcha is basically a Korean Winter Wellness Elixir.


Because of ginger’s spiciness, it might not be that tasty for foreigners, but ginger tea is not renowned for its taste.


It is renowned for its healthiness Packed with gingerol and shogaoll, it actively supports peripheral blood circulation, helping your body brave the winter chill.


If it is too spicy for you, you can put some honey to put it down.


Especially if your throat hurts, ginger tea with honey is the best healthy solution for your sickness.







Kimchi (김장김치 - Kimjang Kimchi)











As we all know what Kimchi is and what it tastes like, let’s explore about Kimchi’s nutrition.


The kimchi has been fermented for over seven days to ensure maximum health benefits.


Rich in vitamins and minerals, kimchi aids in preventing colds and fortifying your immune system.


The particular part of kimchi is PLAB(probiotic lactic acid bacteria).


What does this do?


This not only stimulates your immune system but also treats diarrhea and improves the digestion of lactose.


If you want to sustain this microorganism, keep kimchi in the refrigerator because if PLAB is touched with air, the amount of PLAB decreases.


Make sure it is well-fermented and well-sustained in the refrigerator so you can eat it freshy!






Mandarin Orange (귤 - Ggyul)













Vitamin C, This vitamin not only helps you to strengthen your immune system but also fights the flu bacteria consistently.


Who got the most Vitamin C in South Korea?


The mandarin orange.


This fruit has been mentioned in the previous articles but let us explain why you should eat this for your heathiness.


Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and forms collagen in your body.


They reduce some of the skin wrinkles and keep the skin moist as possible.


Gyul(mandarin orange) also contains vitamins A and B which both vitamins are used to energize and strengthen the defense from the exterior virus.


However, do you know who got the most vitamin A?




 Pumpkin Delights (호박 - Hobak): Wellness Vegetable in Winter.














Pumpkin is one of the sweet vegetables you can eat in winter.


In particular reason why people eat it is because it has a warming effect on the body, making it beneficial for those with cold hands and feet.


Pumpkin is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, minerals, and dietary fiber.


It is beneficial for individuals with weak digestive function or those in the recovery phase.


As they are digested easily, they have huge benefits on gastrointestinal health.


Additionally, its high fiber content aids in preventing constipation and contributes to the effectiveness of weight management.



In today’s article, we’ve explored a little bit about wellness in South Korea and some healthy food that prevents you from getting cold and sick.


As days get colder and colder, our body is getting more susceptible to getting sick and cold.


Make sure you intake enough vitamins A and C to get yourself.


Stay healthy, Stay warm, and make sure you stay tuned for stay14’s new article!









#Wellness #VitaminA #VitaminC #Kimchi #Pumpkin #GingerTea #MandarinOrange #WinterWellness #건강식 #겨울건강식









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Source : https://kormedi.com/1367096/%EC%B6%94%EC%9A%B4-%EA%B2%A8%EC%9A%B8-%EB%AA%B8%EC%9D%84-%EB%94%B0%EB%9C%BB%ED%95%98%EA%B2%8C-%ED%95%98%EB%8A%94-%EC%9D%8C%EC%8B%9D-4/







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