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Director Park Jin-pyo Returns with 'Brave Citizen'

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by Julie Yoon 2023. 10. 25. 10:46






Director Park Jin-pyo Returns with 'Brave Citizen'

: A Thrilling Tale of Justice, Action, and Vengeance in High School










Get ready for an exciting cinematic experience as we dive into the world of 'Brave Citizen,' the latest offering from acclaimed director Park Jin-pyo, known for the beloved 2005 romance 'You Are My Sunshine.'


In this delightful comic action hero flick, the story unfolds with a straightforward yet very compelling narrative, revolving around a high school teacher's quest for justice in the face of a brutal school bully.


Now let’s explore the action-packed world of 'Brave Citizen' and discover the twists and turns that await in this captivating film!










In "Brave Citizen," So Si-min (played by Shin Hae-sun), a substitute civic education teacher, silently puts up with a bunch of nonsense, like grading her colleagues' papers and dealing with the vice principal's unwanted advances.


She's doing all of this just to secure a full-time teaching gig.


Displaying true character of hard-working diligent “citizen” like her name “so shi-min”(Shi-min mean Citizen in Korean)


Things take a turn when she notices a student named Han Soo-gang (Lee Jun-young), who's infamous as the school's resident bully, always picking on less fortunate students.


Now, So is a closeted boxing enthusiast, and it's hard for her to sit idly by, especially when her job is on the line.


But she manages to hold back, considering the consequences.


However, as Soo-gang's reign of terror extends beyond school grounds, So decides to take matters into her own hands.


She dons a cat mask and becomes a protector for the defenseless students.












Based on a webtoon with the same title, "Brave Citizen" quickly unveils the harshness of Soo-gang, a fearless bully who gets a kick out of tormenting others.


The plot is simple but satisfying, showing how a genuinely kind protagonist takes on a wicked antagonist through some exciting action scenes.












The action sequences in the movie were choreographed by Heo Myeong-haeng, a highly acclaimed figure in the industry known for "The Roundup" series and "Hunt" (2022).


The scenes provide a sense of relief as you watch the determined heroine throw punches and unleash powerful roundhouse kicks. 


It's more than surprising that this is Shin Hae-sun's first action film.


Actor Lee Jun-young brings a menacing intensity to the role of the villain, taking it up a notch compared to his previous bad-guy roles in popular series like "D.P." and "Mask Girl." Which brings up more expectation!


The great things about this film is that it doesn't shy away from addressing relevant social issues like school violence and the rights of teachers, making the storyline relatable to the audience.












"School violence and teachers' rights have been ongoing problems for a long time.


They just weren't widely known or were often brushed under the rug.


But now, these issues are getting more attention," he said, hoping that the film would provide some relief and inspiration to the audience.


For those who preparing for new korean action movies, "Brave Citizens" is set to hit theaters on October 25, offering an engaging cinematic experience for everyone.






All rights reserved Stay14 Bespoke


Source : https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231022000129








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